Tuesday, October 22

WARNING: These 9 Appliances Send Your Power Bill Through the Roof!

Did you know that some appliances that are in “standby” mode still consume a lot of electricity? 

Ugh! Those power bills are never fun to pay every month; in fact, with this awful inflation, they are simply annoying! These skyrocketing prices don’t seem to be stopping anytime soon; however, there are still some tips that you can use to lower them as much as possible. In order for you to figure out why your bill is increasing month after month, why it fluctuates, and how you can reduce the expenses as much as possible, the energy experts have compiled a list of some of the worst “energy vampires” that we have in our homes.

This list includes electrical equipment for rooms throughout your house, including the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and workplace.

Photo by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock

1. Refrigerator

There is no getting around it: to keep everything fresh, your refrigerator needs to be plugged in 24 hours a day. Furthermore, this specific appliance typically consumes 180 watts per hour, which isn’t excessive in comparison to other appliances. But because it is used continuously throughout the day, every day, it needs 4.32 kWh to operate for a full day. But bear in mind that you don’t have to spend a fortune on your electricity bill, even if you need the refrigerator to keep your food fresh. If the device you currently own is a little dated, you might consider replacing it with one that uses less energy.

Experts say that you should buy an energy-efficient refrigerator because they can last up to 17 years. Additionally, they also advise against those refrigerators with additional features like automatic defrost because you can manually defrost your fridge and save half the energy.

2. Dishwasher

To be honest, I was secretly hoping this item wouldn’t be on the list! Since I first bought it, I knew it was going to be a lifesaver, especially after a family gathering with more than ten relatives. But I wasn’t that lucky! And the dishwasher is one of the appliances that can send your power bill through the roof without blinking.

Did you know that an average dishwasher takes about 1800 watts to run a full cycle? But just when you thought you were going to be back to handwashing, energy experts have a viable solution for our problem. The best method for using a dishwasher more efficiently is to only run full loads. Additionally, if your washing machine has an “eco” setting, you may be able to save money on electricity because the cycle lasts longer while maintaining a lower temperature.

3. Toaster

Oh, I bet you prayed that your breakfast saver wouldn’t be listed as a “vampire” appliance! However, we are here to tell you that using a regular toaster for only 15 minutes on a daily basis might cost you a pretty penny by the end of the month.

If you want to save money and also stick to your regular morning routine, experts suggest you look for a toaster that saves energy even when it’s in standby mode and avoid toasting your bread in the oven as much as possible. This takes us to the next issue of the article..

4. Oven

One of the appliances that use a ton of power is your oven, and if you like to bake, you’re probably not aware of how much electricity it uses. You may not be aware, though, that how you use your oven impacts how much energy you consume. Depending on what delicious item is cooking in there, we’re all guilty of opening and closing the oven door to check for a perfect crisp on the outside of the meal, but you must know that this behavior can be expensive.

We calculated that a typical day would see one hour spent using a microwave. A typical oven uses about 2400 watts to operate. Consequently, based on how often you open and close it, it uses 2.4 kWh per day.

5. Water heating

Are you a fan of long and hot showers? Same here. But I learned that this tiny “luxury” might cost me a lot more than I initially thought. The shower is one of the most expensive appliances in the house in terms of electricity, even though you probably don’t know it while taking a shower. Not only does it consume a lot of water (roughly 77 liters for 10 minutes), but if you prefer heated water while taking a shower like the majority of people do, you’ll spend more than you can imagine for a 10-minute shower.

Simply taking shorter showers is the best method to conserve energy when taking a shower. In my case, for example, I’ve reduced my time in the shower to 2 minutes, which has pleased my wallet quite a bit.

6. Hair dryer

I freely confess that, as a woman, I am unable to function without my hair dryer. If there are any female readers, you already understand my struggles. Did you realize that this little vampire uses a lot of energy, though? A hair dryer uses 1200 watts of power per hour to blow air at your tresses after rotating it through the heating element. An average of 0.6 kWh is used daily by those of us who use hair dryers for 30 minutes or less. If you frequently need to dry your hair, you might want to switch to a low-watt hair dryer.

7. Tumble dryer

The summer is definitely saving me from having huge electricity bills. Especially because I don’t use the tumble dryer that often since I leave my laundry to dry in the sun right in my backyard. But when the cold season comes, I must use the tumble dryer to help me dry my clothes pretty quickly.

However, are you aware that they are not at all energy-efficient? Dryers use 3000 watts per hour and operate for a typical 45 minutes each day. But there is a solution to your problem! If your tumble dryer is pretty dated, then it’s time to look for another one. The availability of more energy-efficient choices is a blessing. Be on the lookout for energy-efficient dryers when shopping.

8. Your computer

One of the most expensive appliances in your home is definitely your computer. For example, a desktop computer uses almost 450 watts of energy per hour when you use it. But believe it or not, it can be very costly to leave on when you’re not using it. Instead, try to make a habit out of turning it off. You will be thankful by the end of the month.

Of course, you can use it less frequently, but sometimes this is not a viable option. Switching to a laptop, which consumes up to 85% less power than computers annually, may be a smart energy-saving option if you regularly use a computer.

Photo by Kaspars Grinvalds from Shutterstock

9. Your TV

Did you know that your yearly energy costs may increase by close to $200 as a result of modern big-screen models and all of the connected components? Did you realize that it’s likely that your television is still plugged in even when you’re not watching it? In my situation, I constantly forget to do it.

However, because LCD televisions are typically three times more energy efficient than plasma televisions, financial experts advise that if you currently own a plasma television, it may be worthwhile to consider replacing it.

That’s it, brainiacs! I hope you enjoyed reading this informative article, and if you’re up for more, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button that’s down below the page. My recommendation for you today is Did You Know? These 10 Stuff in Your Attic Can Make You Rich! 

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