Monday, October 21

Need More Money? Here Are 7 Minimalist Ways to Cut Down Costs

Do you feel like you never have the money to do the things you want?

If you’ve been struggling to save money, you’re not alone. Research shows that more than half of the people in our country aren’t able to cover a $1,000 expense. The truth is that saving money is tough.

But we must break bad habits and learn new strategies to whip our bank accounts into shape. Taking the first few steps to declutter your life can be a big move. And you might need a game plan to make these routines stick.

So if you’re done erratically spending your money, you’ve come to the right place. Many of us may have too much “junk” or spend too much money on unnecessary purchases.

Setting a consistent and healthy budget will help you cut down on the things you don’t need and may even reduce all that stress in your life. So let’s not waste any more time. Check out our 7 easy tips to help you beat your spending habits!

Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

Be Honest About Your Bad Habits

Buying things becomes excessive when we purchase beyond what’s actually needed in our homes. You probably don’t even realize how much money you spend on things you don’t need or, even worse, things you didn’t even know you were paying for.

This includes spending too much on clothes, adorable decor items, subscriptions, memberships, and excessive utility bills. These all tend to add up very quickly. That’s how the vicious work-to-spend cycle starts.

As inflation starts to creep in, we need to work even harder or get a part-time job in retirement to keep up with our spending habits. And we spend because we feel we deserve it after all those years of hard work.

But what we truly need and deserve is a life free of debt and financial worries. Most excessive spending is out of carelessness.

However, setting a budget, checking your statements, being more organized, and determining your priorities can help you restructure how you spend.

This isn’t about tormenting yourself over every little penny spent. But more about being mindful, so you can spend your money on what you truly value in life.

Shop Quality, Not Quantity

Living a more minimalistic life doesn’t mean you should never go shopping again. It simply means that you’ll be more deliberate with your purchases.

Whether you need a new pair of running shoes or need to update your jeans, invest in quality pieces because they will last a long time. We understand that a higher price tag might be less than ideal at this time.

But you’ll likely save more money in the long run by cutting down on all those purchases you’d have to make when those poor-quality shoes split in half. You’ll also be cutting down on waste. Did you know that a garbage truck of clothes is thrown out every second?

Sell What You’re Not Using Anymore

Rather than throwing away everything you don’t need after you clean and declutter your home, go through your things and see which ones you can sell.

It’s always a win-win situation because you can eliminate all the clutter in your house while making some cash back from unwanted objects.

You can sell your stuff on Craigslist, Amazon, and Facebook marketplace, among others, to find new homes for your unwanted belongings. Be aware that it can be frustrating in the beginning. You might feel like you’re spending more time on it than it’s worth.

But once you get the hang of things, you’ll notice that the entire process will start running smoothly. And at the end of the day, if you can’t sell your things, a fantastic way to give back to the community is by donating them to a charity or nonprofit.

You’d be surprised to know how many people would actually appreciate what you would consider “junk.”

Photo by Ground Picture at Shutterstock

Negotiate Your Bills

You might not know about this, but you could be overpaying for the services in your home. You might even be paying for things you don’t need. Negotiating your expenses isn’t difficult.

In fact, you can reduce things like your cell phone bill by $10 a month with a simple 5-minute phone call. Saving money through your bills means you’ll have more money in your savings. The first step is to organize your monthly expenses from the most expensive to the least.

Next, work your way down the list by calling your most expensive service providers to negotiate those bills. If you aren’t able to arrange something the first time around, just hang up and try again.

Most of your service providers are surely large corporations, so you’ll talk to a different person every time. You also have the opportunity to use services that negotiate on your behalf, like Trim.

No matter the case, don’t just settle for what you’re currently paying and negotiate your expenses!

Take Care And Repair

Living a more minimalistic life is all about living with less. And that also includes getting rid of unnecessary expenses. Repairing something that’s broken might mean that you have to put in more effort and time than just buying something to replace it.

But implementing this new mindset can help us to save a lot of money in the long run on a personal level. It will also help reduce product waste and decrease what goes into landfills. Once you begin, you’ll be surprised by how many things are simple to fix.

And luckily, in today’s world, we have the power of the Internet to help guide us along the way to improve pretty much anything. And hey: if you really feel like you can’t do it, this could be an excellent chance to look up various services in your community.

Get to know your local handyman, tailor, or electronic technician. While it’s true that you’ll have to pay some kind of service fee, it’ll most likely be a fraction of the cost of a brand-new item if you were to buy a new one.

Invest In Reusables

On that same note, as you begin to declutter your space, you should think about what products can be reused. A perfect example of one uncomplicated change could be switching out your disposable water bottles for a glass reusable one.

You can even bring your reusable takeaway coffee cup with you each time you go to your local coffee shop.

Not only could you get a discount for bringing your own cup, but you’re also helping cut down on single-use products and reducing waste! This is a win-win for everyone involved.

…Don’t have a reusable glass bottle? Amazon has some fantastic options!

Photo by pikselstock at Shutterstock

Enjoy Simplicity

Another option is taking the concept of simplicity and bringing it into your home. There might have been a time when you were always hunting for the perfect painting, decor item, or vase that would fit perfectly into your space.

But you must realize at some point that you won’t find any true value in these items. When you begin decluttering, you’ll notice that these are the first items you’ll want to get rid of.

Eventually, you’ll learn to appreciate the empty spaces in your home instead of trying to fill every nook and cranny with something for simple decor. Rather than all those nick-nacks, why not choose some plants for your area?

The green will add to your ample living space and acts like a privacy fence from your neighbors. It’s a fantastic way to add new life and green to your home without wasting money on other decor items.

Be sure to let us know what you think about all these ideas. And in the meantime, we highly recommend you also read: Having a Garage Sale? Make Lots of Cash With These 5 Tricks!

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