Tuesday, January 21

Cut These 7 Expenses to Save Thousands in Retirement

Image By Tada Images From Shutterstock

5. Restaurants and takeout

Restaurants and takeout food are an easy way out if you don’t have the time to cook at home or don’t enjoy doing that. Also, eating dinner out is a nice experience that many of us like. But there are some things that you need to take into account when you want to go out to eat or order some food at home.

If you decide to eat at a restaurant, it will cost you more than cooking at home. And besides the initial cost of the food, there are also the taxes and the tip. So, before going out, think about all of these expenses.

If takeout food is your thing, you need to know that this is probably the most expensive option when talking about food. There is the cost of the meals, which will be higher than the ones from the restaurants; then there is the delivery fee; and last but not least, there is the tip. If you want to sign up for a membership for a delivery app, you might get better prices, but keep in mind that this also adds up as time passes.

If you choose to sign up for DoorDash, you will pay $59 for the first year, and after that, you will need to take out of your pocket $96 per year. If you order food from time to time, nothing bad will happen, but if it becomes something regular in your life, it can make you spend some money.

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