Sunday, October 20

8 Grocery Store Myths That Make You Spend More

Are you aware of these grocery store myths? 

There are several hypotheses, myths, and preconceptions regarding the operations of grocery stores. Some of them are real, but others are just lies! Of course, it’s a fact that products placed near cash registers are there for all the impulsive buyers who can’t resist buying them. The supermarket is now content with full pockets as you, their devoted consumer, drain your wallet on random items. Not cool!

Is buying in bulk really a bargain? Are those good-looking tomatoes really organic? If I wait until next week’s discount, I will be able to buy this product for less. If at least one of these questions has crossed your mind, it’s time to clear things up and figure out which myths you should abandon. To start our exploration of grocery store myths, let’s explore the most common one that a lot of people unfortunately believe to be true!

Photo by Seika Chujo from Shutterstock

1. Low-fat foods are the best

Wait, what? But what about that diet that I keep holding on to, you may ask? Well, most people think that all the low-fat foods are usually healthier and better than the fatty ones. The reality is that all of them are usually pricier and often contain more sugar than regular ones. You didn’t expect that, right? To avoid getting yourself trapped in this grocery store myth, read all the labels carefully before putting anything into your shopping cart.

Furthermore, instead of avoiding fatty products, focus on the ones that are low in sodium and sugar, two main ingredients that are crucial to stay away from when you want to lose weight.

2. Frozen veggies and fruits are not as good as the fresh ones

Never underestimate the power of the freezer; I’ve learned this over the years, and that’s why I wanted to share it with you! A couple of years ago, when I started looking after my diet more carefully, I noticed that every grocery store wanted to draw the customer’s attention to the fresh produce by making appealing discounts. Of course, there are some fruits (like apples or oranges) that are better consumed fresh; however, seasonal ones like raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and peaches can be easily preserved in the freezer as well!

The same is true for vegetables, and because there is a myth that fresh vegetables are more nutritious, it is time to debunk it. According to various nutritionists, both fruits and vegetables that are quick-frozen keep their nutrients intact for a longer period of time. Amazing, right?

Therefore, when you visit your favorite grocery shop the following time, stock up on frozen foods, especially those that are out of season. The fact that you will make a few extra dollars in savings will make you happy!

3. Famous brand products are better

You tend to believe this myth too, right? Well, I don’t blame you since I was on the same page a couple of years ago when I thought that everything I saw in commercials was the best thing ever. I couldn’t be more wrong! Since all of these goods somehow have the same basic ingredients but a different label, the likelihood is that they are all identical. Consider looking at the generic brands instead of the name-brand products since they are typically less expensive and, in some cases, even superior to them. Your wallet will be grateful for this choice too!

…psst! Instead of spending money on plastic bags that are going to last only for one trip, invest in these amazing and durable reusable grocery shopping bags. I can guarantee their quality! 

4. Purchasing in bulk is always a wise decision

…or not! Another myth that grocery stores continue to deliver and people continue to believe. I am a bargain shopper, and I can’t lie, but I stopped buying in bulk because I realized that I was never able to consume them before they spoiled. Let me give you one small tip: Check the prices for the products that are sold individually and compare them with the ones sold in bulk to see the difference. In case you still find bulk buying doable for you, limit yourself to frozen items or stuff that you and your family eat on a regular basis.

5. Organic products are healthier

And, without a doubt, more expensive than the others! There is little doubt that organic foods are less likely to contain pesticides, but that does not necessarily indicate they are healthier. In reality, multiple studies have revealed that the distinction between organic and non-organic products is really subtle.

So next time you go to a grocery store and you try to limit your spending on unnecessary things, if you still want to buy organic foods, stick to things like spinach, apples, or peaches that are good to eat fresh and whole. On the other hand, bananas and avocados are two examples of organic fruits and vegetables that aren’t worth the price unless you want to support organic farming practices.

Photo by Krasula from Shutterstock

6. Brown eggs are healthier

This is something that most grocery stores tend to advertise as being true. But it’s not! In fact, their nutritional content is not impacted by the variation in shell color. Plus, they are also more expensive compared to the white ones! Why? Well, it’s simple: in most cases, red hens are usually bigger, which is why they require more feed, and in the end, brown eggs are more expensive.

What can I say? This is how you keep a business running! Unless you are willing to pay more money for the brown ones, there is no extra reason to buy them. Instead, you can save the money to buy other items that you really need.

Were you aware of this grocery myth? Tell us in the comments section down below.

7. Never buy things outside your grocery list

We see this advertised as a main budget hack, but this is only a theory because, in my case, for example, it’s not always valid. Imagine you arrive at the store and discover some wonderful cleaning supplies are being offered. Cleaning supplies may not have been on your list, but now that you think about it, you can get them because they are reasonably priced and the ones you now own may be running out soon. It seems like a good deal to me!

It makes sense in this situation to skip some of the items on your list in favor of the more useful ones.

8. Don’t forget about the coupons!

There is no surprise that coupons are amazing, especially if you’re a bargain shopper. However, I recommend using them with caution. Naturally, most grocery stores will try to encourage you to take advantage of them as frequently as possible, but if you become overly preoccupied with clipping coupons, you can find yourself making unnecessary purchases. Be careful and use them for things that you use frequently. Simply ignore the coupon if you wouldn’t typically purchase the product.

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…psst! Before leaving the page, check out this article: 15 Sneaky Ways Target Gets You to Spend More Money

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