Thursday, February 20

9 Ridiculously Expensive Things You’ll Find at Walmart

Image By lapas77 From Shutterstock

High-end jewelry

Generally speaking, you should avoid getting high-end or even just expensive jewelry at retail stores and even from some online retailers. When it comes to the vision that Walmart’s founder, Walton, had for his stores, we can say that they have wandered off the path quite a bit because they have started to sell a lot of expensive items. And when it comes to jewelry, you can hold on to your pockets because some of these prices are out of this world!

The most expensive piece of jewelry you can find at Walmart is a tennis bracelet with 27 diamonds that retails for about $79,800. Other options are expensive watches for $48,000, and if you have somehow forgotten or, God forbid, lost the engagement ring before the proposal, you can get one here for about $24,400. Yikes! These prices are really steep, and we all know just how finicky it is to buy jewelry and fine items in the first place.

This is not about where you bought the item since we are sure that Walmart has amazing products and makes sure to veto the items they sell before charging such high prices, but rather about the principle of the whole thing. You can find these types of items, with a much bigger variety, at specialized jewelry stores, where they may even be cheaper items (for a fine jewelry item, we mean), and you may have a consultant help you find the perfect item for you.

In the end, it’s not the price tag that matters when you buy jewelry, but the quality, craftsmanship, and, let’s be honest, whether you like the design or not!

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3 thoughts on “9 Ridiculously Expensive Things You’ll Find at Walmart”

  1. Boric acid and bacitracin are more expensive at Walmart. Cottonelle toilet paper prices can also sometimes be more expensive at Walmart; you need to compare prices each time you order. Buyers should be aware Walmart no longer prices match.

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