Tuesday, March 11

Save Money on Coffee With These 9 Life-Saving Hacks!

save money on coffee
Photo by Kurtis Ko from Shutterstock

Make great coffee at home.

If you love drinking your coffee at the coffee shop right around the corner, then you must spend around $5 a cup, including cream and the occasional spice. Let’s assume you buy one cup a day.

Well, that would add up to $28 a week, which means $1,460 a year. Below, I will list a cost comparison table where I compare a standard cafe flat white with a couple of at-home coffee options and how much you’d save if you’d consider switching to home-brewed coffee.

And I also feel the need to mention that making coffee at home isn’t the only way to save some money on coffee, but it’s the best way. Also, I have to say that I didn’t include a coffee pod machine in my math because of the waste.

Moreover, you might save even more money if you are willing to buy coffee on sale, drink less milk, or start drinking your coffee black. The list I made refers to one cup of coffee a day, just so you know.

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