Wednesday, October 23

Florida Cities on a Budget! Live Only on $2,500 Per Month

Florida cities on a budget
Photo by Piyaset from Shutterstock

If you’re planning to retire but aren’t sure where to go, check out these Florida cities on a budget! 

How is your perfect vision of retirement? Florida is the best option if you’re hoping to find a tranquil setting with mild temperatures and beaches nearby. And if you’re worried about your tight budget, let me tell you a secret: It is possible to find Florida cities on a budget that are suitable for retirees.

A recent study revealed some of the best places in Florida where a person can live on a tight budget—even less than $2,500 per month. This sum includes groceries, utilities, healthcare, and the price of renting a small apartment. Additionally, with a national average cost of living of $2,626 a month, Florida provides some affordable areas that are also stunning.

So, dear readers, if you’re close to retirement, which cities would you consider moving to? Start by picking one from our list:

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106 thoughts on “Florida Cities on a Budget! Live Only on $2,500 Per Month”

  1. I live her and don’t know why anyone would want to move to Florida given the current political climate. But, if you are interested in losing your constitutional rights and be around schools that are dumbing down standards, come on!

        1. Ya nice and safe!! Clean!! .. something Dems don’t like or care about ,, Red means Positive values not like all the disgusting blue states that no one can afford to live, homeless, crime , gas prices no one can afford to have extra money for a quality life.,, that you can’t walk outside because you will be killed .. hard to believe someone can say such and thing and be content in blue state . I’m so curious what you see as positive in a blue state ? Absolute crazy.. why do you think every top money corp have left NY & CA (hundreds of thousands gone..) so why if so great ?? Blue states are like Gotham city ,, almost completely wiped out , yet you still have the nerve to not see Red as better ? Wow.. what do you see ,. ??

        2. Yea… You’re probably right. FL is a Red State, but, If you Like Blue?
          California is taking people in!

    1. Wow!,,,your thinking (?) / conclusion is completed lopsided. I think you need to get your delusional head out of the sand. I live in Florida where “freedom” is embraced AND the constitution is NOT being threatened to take away our free speech, amongst other rights being threatened to be removed by the “powers to be; I could go on and on but need to get on with my “free” life while I still have it.

      1. I moved to Florida in 2001. The state has turned red in that time span. In my opinion it has gotten much worse—–freedoms have been taken away no protected—-Universities threatened to have a tunnel vision approach—-A woman’s most important freedom taken away—an culture war that intimidates the LBGQ —– an attempt to re-write history concerning slavery, by not permitting this topic to be taught in schools—–No media allowed at political briefs—-For DeSantis—and Rick Scott—-ZERO Transparency. Scott BTW should be in jail for defrauding medicare—-don’t forget he was found guilty, and got off on a technicality. Fiscally, insurance rates are triple the rest of the country, and no regulations have made lot fees for much of the elderly population too expensive for them to live where they live. The list goes on and on.

        1. Sounds like you need to take advantage of U Haul pricing and move out of FL at a bargain
          U Haul and others need you since one way moves into FL are 3-5 times greater than out migrations.
          They need you and like minded friends to drive their trucks and trailers north where demand is overwhelming

        2. I Love the fact that Trump gets live live rent free in your corrupt ((at any cost)) feeble little minds. Your every thought is tortured day & night and Trump sleeps like a baby, knowing he will be the next President to put a end to this corrupt Biden Resigm once and for all. Like the comment below says >>> if you don’t like it move. How about a nice border state and you can welcome the 20-30 million illegals that have crossed the border. Maybe you can donate your bank accounts to the sky rocketing price of EVERYTHING. Yes I am quite sure that you should power up your little electric cars and head out of Florida.

        3. Maybe because schools and universities need to remember to teach subject matter like real science, true history , geography, math… the subjects that improve knowledge and prepare our youth for a real career and brighter future. Not CTR and hating on America and protecting our kids from unethical practices and also protecting parents rights to take care of our children and allowing them to grow up like normal kids so they can make those life altering decisions/choices as adults. You can always go back to your state of origin or any other that better suit you and where you can be happy. Wish you the best

        4. So you are OK with lockdowns and sexualizing our children? By the way, contrary to what is currently being taught in public schools, the Civil War was not fought over slavery and I can prove it in 60 seconds with a computer and internet connection. Look up the Corwin Amendment, an amendment to the US Constitution that would have preserved the right to own slaves. It passed both the US House and Senate with the required 2/3 majority BEFORE NC, VA, TN, and AR seceded. And if the war was over slavery, then why didn’t the other Southern States not rejoin the Union after the amendment passed? In fact, their secession only risked losing slavery, which ultimately they did. Like every other war ever fought, it was about money and power and Lincoln wasn’t willing to give any of that up.

        5. STFU and move to California, you will fit in just fine here. I have lived in both Florida and California and its like night and day for the costs of government vs the services provided. Why would you live in Florida if it makes you so unhappy?
          Before you ask, I am 91 years old, and my daughter promised to help us live if we moved close to her in California. Otherwise, we would still be in Florida.

      2. Actually just the freedom to say certain words and check out certain books. Other than that, not much anti constitutional goings on in Florida.

        1. hmmm, wrong their. Abortion rights are being drastically dwindled down by Desantis. Government has no business creating laws for it. That’s a medical decision and should be determined by what is a safe time before one can’t be performed.
          Nowadays the laws are created by prejudice and people who shouldn’t have the decision to make laws.
          being told that the environment is not in danger and is totally not in trouble is a total disaster.
          I’m a scuba diver and I see a lot of it when I dive.
          The laws stated that a governor seeking president has to step down from office was totally changed by Desantis. Not a good move.

        2. “JUST”…are you seriously suggesting that it’s okay for the government to restrict the words you can use and what books you can read!?!?! That isn’t a “red state” or a “blue state”; that is a Fascist state!!!

      3. Freedom only exists as a social construct where oppression precedes. And you could be a little kinder. Differences of opinion are healthy and civil discourse gets us much farther than in your face comments

      4. Freedom is embraced? Really? Book banning’s, restrictive abortion rights, and the freedom to allow people in Florida to carry concealed weapons and firearms without background checks, training or a concealed license as well as the insane “Stand your Ground Law”. Freedom to have your child infected with measles because of your dopey Governor and incompetent Florida Surgeon General who believe it’s okay to send unvaccinated kids to school. This is what you call freedom?

        1. James Clark Tucker

          Whay a bunch of cry babies. why should my tax dollars pay for you to play around. If you want to not do what you need to keep from getting pregnant. my rights are violated for being forced to pay for your mistake. pay for it yourself and see what you do instead of killing Babies.

        2. everything you mentioned is for safety reasons – i guess you think the grade schools should have “poor! shown to young kids or that children should make decisions about their gender! that is a bunch of bull! it’s a disgrace and common sense people know this. go live in california and you will have all of what you think is good

        1. Red signifies embarrassment…
          When you’re in the RED you owe…
          Red is not an appealing color to be associated with. Your ignorance of the concept of FREEDOM is being confused with CONTROL!!!!

      5. Ok if you call book banning, lack of women’s health rights and an all out assault on immigrants is freedom then I would agree that is where you belong!

        1. Book banning? You mean banning pornographic books from Elementary schools, right? You approve of those age inappropriate books? And “women’s health rights”? Why do you euphemistically refer to abortion as “women’s health rights”? Call it what it is: Infanticide! And the so-called “assault on immigrants” is actually an enforcement of the laws which these immigrants have broken by entering into our country illegally! They are thereby criminals by definition, and should be treated as such! I live in Florida in winter months, and I absolutely love Governor DeSantis and Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.

      6. Right, this is the free state of Florida where our rights and our children are protected. No indoctrination and negative narrative being fed to our children. If you don’t like freedom please move to a blue state like New York and California and live with increased crime and where your rights and freedom are taken away.

    2. You sound like a real winner. Obviously, you’re one of the butthurt, anti America liberals that are in FL. Everything you said are 180° from the actual truth. Although, ones coming into FL from high cost states are negatively affecting the cost of living in FL. Housing costs have exploded in the past 4-5 years because of that. Otherwise, FL is a great place to live unless you want the degenerate side of the Democrat party to make the laws. If that’s the case, you’d be better served to pass on by. If you liked America before Democrat Socialism started destroying America, then, FL is a good place to be.

      1. You said it perfectly Ron. Like someone else said their heads are buried in the sand. Totally brainwashed by CNN and actually have no idea what shape the country is in. Just to touch base inflation , crime rates, gas prices, border issues, relations with most allies ( not good), and because of our weakness look at our current non existent communication with Russia, China, N Korea. I don’t think the world is real good shape right now.

    3. It is a conservative God Fearing, Constitutional state for sure. If you don’t like that you may move to NY, IL or California. It is a blue state but is flush with marxist ideologies, high taxes, plenty of illegal immigrants, taking away your 1st, 2nd & 4th amendment rights gladly & all the crime you can take in. God Bless

      1. Bob, the only thing is that, it is not a blue state. It is a republican state, it has a Republian governor, and it’s mostly republican population. And the governor is just like Trump, and he lies about his military serves with the navy.
        The Florida’s governor lies about his stander of service regards as to how he was discharged.

    4. If it is as bad as you say it is, it says more about you than the state. Move to California now!!! You will fit in better there.

    5. I’m with you Elliot! Came here in 85. back then I thought Florida was more liberal and progressive than Alabama where I was born and raised. And back then it was, but boy has it gone to red hell all around.
      I never imagined I’d see the day of any place in the USA going backwards, baning books, not respecting the separation of church and state, but Florida seems to be running backwards!

    6. You mean in liberal, Marxist & socialist states. Florida is one of the freest states in the country. But that’s what you commie slime bags do. Take everything you do and persuade useful idiots that conservative states are doing it. Pound sand you sorry sack of crap!

    7. I hope you are not surrounded by people like the uninformed brainwashed, cult members happily marching in lockstep towards fascism in your state, like mist of the ones who answered you. I read there are a few pockets of thinking people left in Florida. Since they don’t believe in science, us normal thinking people will probably have to bail them out when they drown. Or maybe they will keep their blinders on. Hopefully they will let us save their kids.

    8. Exactly what right are you losing? Florida is great, except for the current insurance crisis. You can leave anytime.

    9. If you loose you constitutional rights it’s applicable in any city or state. Make things better.. protect democracy .. VOTE BLUE💙💙💙💙💙💙

    10. You are absolutely correct! We moved there after retirement and watched Florida turn into an autocracy. They say Florida is like a beautiful woman with a terrible personality thanks to the current governor. We got out last year and love life in South Carolina. Here there are many, what they call “half backs”. Folks who moved from the north to Florida, were disappointed, and moved to the Carolinas.

    11. I see the Dems started the political garbage-of course. Did you “Blue” people ever to stop to think that FL is relatively cheap because it IS mostly red? I’m a moderate conservative but the more I hear from Libs the redder I get. I would never move to say Portland or SF and complain how liberal it is.

    12. Elliott if you are not happy here you are free to leave . Florida is a wonderful place to live and we have a Govenor that makes sure it stays that way, so please feel free to move to California .

    13. i surprised you feel that way on the political front – Gov DeSantis is terrific and cares about the people, it’s the left who is moving to Florida and that upsets the apple cart!!!!

    14. You need to be in California where we have the lowest rated schools in the country. Pay 5 times what you’re paying there for housing and living expenses comparable to what you have there. Enjoy the protests of Palestinian lovers, rampant crime, homelessness and illegal aliens by the 10’s of thousands on YOUR taxes. $55B in debt and gas prices double that of Florida. The articles is about affordable retirement. But if you can afford it then CA is no doubt the best climate and arguably the most beautiful state in the country. But it’s blue. Very very blue. Coming for your money and your constitutional rights including your guns. I

    15. Elliott I believe you would be much happier on the left coast or any blue city of your choice. I suggest you make some serious changes in your life and move to one of them where their less than free leftist policies have run those states into the ground. Florida is by far one of the most free states in the country but is quite expensive. Sorry, I am quite sure I do not share your political leanings.

    16. Okay, try NYC!! That $2500 is $10,000+ with rapists, muggers, filth, rats, illegal migrants, bums, and the mentally insane bothering you on every block… and try to get a legal pistol permit! Forget it. And as far as the Police protecting you?? The good ones all fled after BLM politicians took away their rights and funding and let all criminals out of jail with a simple ticket, let’s read homes! I’m ready, are you!

  2. We moved to Sebastian, Florida from NJ 16 years ago, and we are very happy here! We don’t miss the cold, icy, snowy weather up north!

    1. Hi Jack,
      Living in Florida for 16 years says something about the “climate” of the state. If it was that bad, you would have moved on long ago. You can’t please everyone, only yourself ! Glad you’re enjoying yourself though. Sounds like some aren’t happy and choose to live in “misery” rather than moving on. Enjoy the warm sunny days of Florida ! Beats the cold and snow of Wisconsin ! 🙂

  3. Really with that self entitled bad tempered Govenor. .Trump wanna be. Weird new laws being passed every day. Not progress but a return to the 1960s one piece only bathing suits and books being banned from libraries. If you can’t find a way to rise above the discrimination and thought police. ( money) stay away!. Its going to be 2/3 under water in 30 years anyway.

    1. In 1960, when I first started flying, the St Louis airport was 605 feet above sea level. Now, the airport is 605 feet above sea level. Miami airport is currently 9 feet above sea level. I’m going to count on you liberals to wake me up when the airport is only 5 feet above sea level so that I can move to Denver. Thanks to all of you climate warriors for doing all of the worrying for the rest of us. As for me, just as soon as it stops raining, I’m going to play another round of golf.

      1. Miami is 6 feet above sea level and has many high rises ready to crumble. Your drinkable water supply is dwindling because of lacking environmental controls at the SFWMD. Ignoring their scientists!!!!

    2. James Clark Tucker

      It does not take a brain Surgeon a second to ask themselves how worse things have gotten for the honest man or senior trying to survive in Bidens world. You must have a lot of money or make a lot . Everything has gone thru the roof and we are bringing drugs into this country. You can say what you want about Trump but I was much better off when he was our President And why should my Tax dollars pay for you to screw around and kill Babies. That is taking away my rights as i do not Believe in it? Mr Biden took away our oil and we buy it from The same people that wouls kill us tomorrow. Get your head out of the sand PLEASE.

  4. Wow, can’t we all just get along in the land of the free. This is what upper management wants from us, separation. We need to ban together my friends, it’s the land of free opinion as well. Stay POSITIVE! If we took all of this energy and spun it around we could take management down.

  5. I live here and I don’t talk politics with no one. I barely wave at a neighbor. I go sit on the beach with my dog or watch a favorite on tv with the wife. I stay to myself because I got my own opinions and I realize that wasting time with an angry person is a waste of time. I enjoy the weather here for sure. There are great places to live on each coast. I’ve done them both. I stay to myself not out of being mean, but of staying out of the constant insanity on politics, race and religion. If you come to a point in your life when you finally realize we mean nothing to the people that run the show, you would feel better. Just live your life. I have very strong opinions on things having served my country honorably in the Army but I keep to myself. I’m just glad no one can read my mind. Honestly.

    1. Thank you for your service.
      I understand entirely. Right or wrong if you can’t make a difference being silent is sometimes best.

  6. Florida is a great place to live. I have lived here since my Parents moved us from Ohio in 1969. We raised our three children here and have six grandchildren now. All in the Great State of Florida. If you think this is such a bad place MOVE.

  7. we have lived in FL. FOR 15 YEARS AND WE WOULD NEVER GO BACK NORTH. We have a wonderful Govenor that has made sure our children are safe and got us through covid . we have one of the best places in the US to live. People that complain about FL.can always move to California.

  8. Walter John Hamilton

    I’m a 74 year-old New Englander who has twice visited Florida (aka “God’s Waiting Room”) and will never go back again! I fail to see the attraction of hurricanes and miserable, hot & humid weather. And let’s not forget that being anywhere in Florida is being way too close to that obese, orange oxygen thief residing at Mar a Lago. Marjorie Merriweather Post rest in peace!

  9. I thought this was about cost of living in Florida, looks to be just a political rant. I live here and have for 37 years, love it. Cost are up, used to be very affordable for seniors-not as much now, but still can manage if you have a home already.

  10. I lived in Florida for 5 years in the late 80’s to early 90’s. Nice people and affordable living. Some people find it too hot & humid, but I adjusted to it and I am currently looking to returns as I am now retired.

  11. Frederic M. Boxx

    Most of the people I know moved out of Florida. It’s been a study decline since the ugliness and death of Trayvon Martin. Then with the election of Ron DeSantis it has turned into a red neck paradise. Florida has always had a dangerous underbelly but it’s worse now. Those who stay are pretty much addicted to the 80% good weather days, financially strapped or trapped or too old to move. In this political climate you couldn’t give me a house in Florida. Maybe this will change but those currently in power will do absolutely anything to keep it.

  12. I have lived here for the last 30 years or so. Things have changed, like Insurance rates, insurance not avail if you live by the water Utilities are fair, being the need for A/C, but manageable for sure. I moved here from New Jersey, my wife a FL native, born in St. Pete. We and most of our 13 grand children live here as well. I am a 100% disabled retired Army veteran. The VA’s regional office is near. Military bases are close by. We love the fact you can go to one of the best beaches in the world, for free. No beach tags here, born in one of the oldest seashore resorts in the US, (Cape May) I have watched the free beaches go away, and above the norm. I could go on and on! We have all the major sport teams here. I certainly miss out on the cold snow, for sure but If you don’t like the tropical weather stay up East. We won’t miss you!

  13. Leave it to the lefties to start a political battle here. I love the fact that TRUMP gets to live rent free in your feeble little minds and torture you 7/24/365. While he knocks down the corrupt slow Joe Biden regime and his corrupt doj, fbi ect, ect with all these fake court trails against him as he keeps winning them. When he is back in office. Things BIG things will change and the leftie corupt swamp will be drained once and for all along with the fake news. If you don’t like Florida because it’s republican, Then move the hell away. Maybe New York or California or even better a border town so you can greet the 20 to 30 million illegal’s Joe brought over to try too get votes and you can pass put their new homes . 5 star hotels and 10K a month credit cards to them, that you probally don’t realize you pay for. So fire up your electric cars and move out of florida.

  14. HOAs are legal in FL you should have the right to drop out with 2-years notice.
    Insurance is run by companies and banks back this practice. If you can show liquid reserves, banks should not be allowed to require insurance.
    You should be allowed to live in an RV as long as your property is scheduled to be rebuilt and this should override local Karens.

  15. Lived there for 17 years. Also lived in a number of other states. Most of these comments just show the level of stupid that exists today. Too expensive, too crowded, too hot, insurances, housing, food, storms, illegals, etc., the list goes on. Called it a day and left. They say duct tape can’t fix everything, it can fix many of you as long as you get it o we the nose and mouth.

  16. People that don’t like Florida please do all of a favor that love Florida.Stay the hell out.Go down with the evil democrats so the can take your money tell you how to think.Called Socialist

  17. Love it or LEAVE! Simple just like don’t bring your CA and New York Liberal WOKE, (men in women’s bathrooms, pay for Illegals medical, school-in CA 4 year college; their cell phones, electricity, AND PAY FiOR THEIR ANCHOR BABIES (instant US Citizens) on us! I’ve lived it! You have no idea what you are talking about – you have your heads in the beach sand! If you don’t like Florida, which is free of such nonsense, MOVE to a blue state and start opening your wallet! Money talks!

  18. We have the best governor in the USA. Florida has 2nd Amendment rights, zero state income tax. Great place to live!

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