Tuesday, July 2

6 Secrets About Playing the Lottery, Revealed by Players and Experts

Photo by Ivan Smuk on Shutterstock
  1. The odds can be deceiving

Most people who buy their lottery tickets dream of winning but are also aware that the chances for that to happen are really low. According to experts, one of the biggest secrets to playing the lottery is keeping your hopes up but being rational at the same time. It might sound like a contradiction, but it will help you either way, that is if you win or if you lose.

As explained by Ed Wighton, editor-in-chief for Lottery America, the odds presented by the lottery can be tricky. “For example, many lotteries will advertise that players have a one in 38 chance of winning”, he says. But many people are not aware that if they win, the prize will not be more than what they’ve paid for the ticket, “with the Powerball minimum prize of $4 being offered at the same odds”.

Read also: 7 Things Getting in Your Way of Being Rich

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1 thought on “6 Secrets About Playing the Lottery, Revealed by Players and Experts”

  1. Barbara Reiner

    When I buy a lottery ticket, I am buying a dream. The dream lasts until I hear the numbers drawn.
    I really don’t expect to win…..the most I’ve won was $4.00! But I have such fun deciding how
    to spend the money……who is in need of it and giving to my two favorite charities .

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