Monday, February 17

6 Secrets About Playing the Lottery, Revealed by Players and Experts

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock
  1. You need to look out for scammers

As with anything involving money, lottery players can also be targeted by scammers. From fake package alerts to fake text messages about subscriptions, crooks use every tool they can to get their hands on easy money.

According to lottery expert, Niklas Schrainer, scammers send notifications to people informing them that they have won large amounts of money in various contests. They subsequently ask for bank details and personal information from their victims, as a way for the so-called winners to be able to receive the money. These fake notifications can be received by email or over the phone.

If you receive such a phone call or e-mail, don’t give any confidential information away, warns Schrainer. Official lottery representatives never call the winners and ask them for personal information for them to claim the prize.

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1 thought on “6 Secrets About Playing the Lottery, Revealed by Players and Experts”

  1. Barbara Reiner

    When I buy a lottery ticket, I am buying a dream. The dream lasts until I hear the numbers drawn.
    I really don’t expect to win…..the most I’ve won was $4.00! But I have such fun deciding how
    to spend the money……who is in need of it and giving to my two favorite charities .

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