Wednesday, July 3

6 Secrets About Playing the Lottery, Revealed by Players and Experts

Photo by Mehaniq on Shutterstock
  1. Improving your odds is no easy task

Every player has a certain routine, lucky charm, or superstition that they stick to when playing the lottery. Crossing the fingers for good luck might also work for some, while for others it is simply not enough.

Whatever approach you choose to take when playing your numbers, experts all agree that unfortunately, superstitions won’t turn the odds in your favor.

The biggest secret to playing the lottery, as admitted by players and experts, is that there is no secret. “You do not increase your chances of winning by buying tickets on a certain day or at a certain time or from a certain store. A properly run lottery is completely random.”

Some might try predicting the numbers based on previous draws, but experts advise against it as it has proven to be completely worthless. Something that many players agree might help with increasing your odds is by increasing the number of tickets you buy.

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1 thought on “6 Secrets About Playing the Lottery, Revealed by Players and Experts”

  1. Barbara Reiner

    When I buy a lottery ticket, I am buying a dream. The dream lasts until I hear the numbers drawn.
    I really don’t expect to win…..the most I’ve won was $4.00! But I have such fun deciding how
    to spend the money……who is in need of it and giving to my two favorite charities .

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