6. Sneakers
Another item that you should avoid buying from yard sales is running shoes. If you’re looking to jump-start an active life and most of the products are too expensive for your budget, don’t worry because you will find something cheaper (if you don’t want brand-name sneakers), but not at yard sales. Used shoes are super problematic, especially if you don’t know their owner.
If I imagine the former owner’s sweaty, stench-filled feet in the shoes I wish to buy and put on my feet, two things would immediately cross my mind: “Did they wear socks?” “Did they have fungal feet?”
I guess this is my way of saying to myself that it is not a good idea to buy used shoes, no matter if they are way cheaper than brand-new ones.
7. Clothes that need an extra adjustment to fit you
A lot of people tend to buy worn-out clothes whenever they hunt for bargains at a yard sale. However, if you can’t try them on to see if they fit, I don’t recommend buying them!
For example, if you buy a dress or a coat that needs some extra modifications, it’s not worth your money. Going to a tailor will not only be more expensive, but it will also take longer.